MPD 0.22.9

Packages for MPD v0.22.9 are built for debian/amd64 Buster and raspbian/armhf Buster.

io_uring support is disabled, with Debian/buster kernel does not support io_uring and regarding Raspbian/Buster, liburing is not available in the main repo.

These packages are built against the current libmpdclient 2.16-1 from official Debian repository.

⚠ Be aware these packages are not yet published in the unofficial Debian repositories
To install them get the binary package for you architecture and run apt install on the “*.deb” file.

You can check package integrity (and authenticity, as far as you can trust my gpg key) using signatures in “*.asc” files :

I’ll wait some days for feedback and potential issues before publishing them.

Happy listening 🎶 !